We continue with the third part of frequently asked questions and their answers about solar panels and solar energy systems. So that you have a clear understanding of everything about these elements and, when weighing your options, make an informed decision.
To get you up to speed, we recommend reading the previous posts on the topic. These are Solar panel and photovoltaic system: frequently asked questions. Part 1 and Solar panel and photovoltaic system: frequently asked questions. Part 2.
Everything related to solar electricity is widely discussed nowadays in a general sense, but there are certain very specific doubts that are not explained much. Therefore, here we clarify some of the most common ones. Let’s see!
Regarding the surface for the installation of solar panels, does it require any special specifications?

In reality, specialized conditions are not required, although you must meet some parameters. As they are typically installed on the roofs of houses, you should ensure the following:
- It has sufficient space for the accommodation of solar panels.
- No shadows are cast upon them. In this regard, if existing shadows are due to trees and bushes that can be pruned, there is no problem. But if they are caused by permanent structures or buildings, it is best to look for another space.
It is preferable that all these variables be evaluated by qualified personnel, although, in most homes, this system is installed without issues.
Regarding weight, can solar panels be installed on the roof of any house?
En general, la respuesta es si. Puesto que los paneles solares solo pesan, en promedio, de 6 a 8 kg cada uno, por metro cuadrado. Esto es mucho menos que el peso que agregas las tejas para esta misma superficie.
Do I need to carry out extensive construction for the installation of the photovoltaic system?
In almost all cases, the installation of photovoltaic systems does not require major construction. Where construction is needed, it would be minimal and associated with:
- Some specific reinforcement for the placement of a solar panel on the roof
- Installation of an additional distribution board and extra AC protections
- Modification of conduits for the passage of new wiring
If I generate more solar electricity than I consume, can I sell the surplus to the public electricity company?

This depends on your country and its current legal framework in this sector. In places where there are companies using renewable energy sources, you can inject this surplus into the electrical grid. Thus, your solar energy system could be a source of savings.
You receive compensation through a reduction in your electricity bill.
Of course, for this to happen, photovoltaic systems must be connected to the power grid, so if you are off-grid, you don’t have this possibility.
Where can I purchase solar panels and solar inverters?
We suggest purchasing this equipment from a store that ensures they are of good quality, with reliable after-sales service and warranty.
For this, we recommend doing it through Amazon.es. To help you with this, we have prepared some buying guides that recommend the best equipment at affordable prices. They are:
- Los mejores 5 inversores de onda sinusoidal modificada de 1000 W
- Mejores 5 inversores de onda modificada de 1000 a 2000 W
- 5 mejores inversores de onda senoidal modificada de hasta 800W
- Mejores 5 inversores DC/AC de onda pura mayores a 3000 W
- 5 mejores controladores de carga solar de tecnología PWM
- Mejores 5 controladores de carga solar baratos MPPT. Amazon.es
- 5 Mejores cargadores de baterías inteligentes en Amazon.es
The solar inverter: what you need to know before buying. Part 1 and Solar panels: what you need to know before buying will be very informative for you
Whom can I contact to install the photovoltaic system for me?

At this point, you must be very careful, as you should choose properly certified, responsible companies with experience in these systems.
For installation, they should have technically qualified personnel in this field. This way, you will have a guarantee of good performance and safety.
To select the most suitable one, reputable companies allow you to check their reputation and other information online or on their website. They will also provide advice on the best option for you
So far, this part of frequently asked questions about solar panels and solar energy systems
We will continue addressing this interesting topic in Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently asked questions. Part 4. On the energydcac blog, we have prepared diverse and excellent content about solar energy and DC that we recommend you read.
Also, we invite you to subscribe on our website to stay informed about the new posts we publish. And if you have any concerns about the points we discussed, feel free to write to us. We’ll be happy to assist you. See you in the next article!
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