Inverter selection based on technology and connected loads

inverter selection

We continue with this series of articles in which we explain how to select the inverter that meets your expectations. This time, we present an example of inverter selection based on technology and connected loads.

There are 3 types of devices, considering the inverter technology that is characterized by the output signal waveform.

These are square wave, modified sine wave, and pure sine wave inverters, with the latter being associated with solar inverters. We will explore the cases in which it is advisable to use one or the other, considering the best technical and economic balance for a suitable inverter selection.

Square wave inverter

Square wave inverter

This is the equipment that is the cheapest as its electronics are very simple. However, its output signal waveform contains abrupt changes in alternating value.

Therefore, its use is restricted to electrical loads with very basic and generally analog electronics. This is because in the long run, it damages the components of digital and sensitive equipment that rely on high-quality power.

You can use it in your solar energy system if your appliances are of older technology.

These include electric tools, refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers that do not require high-quality power and have robust, outdated motors. Similarly, incandescent and first-generation LED lights, radios, and similar devices.

The advantage is that its price is the lowest among the different types of inverters. In our already published post titled Square wave inverter: what you need to know you will find more details about this equipment.

Modified sine wave inverter

Selection of modified sine wave inverte

This is the most commonly used inverter in medium-cost solar systems, and it has very good efficiency.

It has a higher price than the square wave inverter but lower than the sine wave inverter.

You can use it if the electrical loads you will be powering do not contain motors, including items like washing machines, dryers y otros. It will be ideal for you if you are planning a split-load electrical system.

Where the mentioned equipment is powered by the conventional grid while the rest is energized by the photovoltaic system using the modified sine wave inverter.

Check out our already published article, Modified sine wave inverter: what you need to know . To learn everything you need to know about this equipment.

Sine wave inverter

Sine wave inverter selection

In this category, we have solar inverters, which are the most expensive but also have the best energy efficiency. Additionally, their waveform is identical to that of the electric grid but even purer.

These features make them suitable for powering all types of electrical loads. In fact, they are ideal for standalone solar energy systems. By this, we mean that they are used for off-grid photovoltaic systems independent of the commercial grid.

If you want your home to be independent of the commercial electric grid, this is the equipment you should install with your solar energy system.

To learn more about this device, just read our post Pure sine wave inverter: characteristics and operation . Don’t miss it!

With these tips, you will be able to make a selection taking into account the factors to choose an inverter that suits your needs.

In the post Solar inverter: what you need to know before buying. Part 4 we present the requirements for a photovoltaic energy system. In this particular case, a pure sine wave inverter would be suitable for you.

On our energydcac website, you will find interesting content on this topic. We even provide you with different parameters for selecting the equipment that best suits your needs. Don’t hesitate to read them!

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3 thoughts on “Inverter selection based on technology and connected loads

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