Tag Archives: load

Criterias for the calculation of AC/DC rectifier for DC systems

AC/DC rectifier

The AC/DC rectifier is considered an essential part of the DC power system. Therefore, the correct calculation of its capacity and electrical sizing is of vital importance. However, this process must adhere to a set of technical safety criteria to ensure that the service it provides conforms to the reliability and uninterruptibility guidelines required by […]

Inverter technology suitable for connected equipment

Cargas a energizar por tecnología de inversor

The DC-AC inverter is an essential component in any solar power system, so you must select the most suitable one. To help you, we’ll answer your question about which inverter technology is suitable for the electrical equipment you plan to power. This is because you should not only acquire it considering its functionalities but also […]

Modified sine wave inverter: what you need to know

equipo de onda modificada

When a DC energy signal is converted to AC electricity, it is the inverter that performs this transformation. The output waveform is a type of alternating signal that oscillates between a certain positive and negative value. Here, we will discuss the modified sine wave inverter. Depending on the technology used for the transformation, this waveform […]

Inverter selection based on technology and connected loads

inverter selection

We continue with this series of articles in which we explain how to select the inverter that meets your expectations. This time, we present an example of inverter selection based on technology and connected loads. There are 3 types of devices, considering the inverter technology that is characterized by the output signal waveform. These are […]