Tag Archives: panel

AC service entrance and panels for DC power systems

AC service entrance and panels

For the development of any electrical project, it is necessary to follow certain guidelines to ensure technical efficiency and safety. This is crucial, especially in the case of the service entrance and AC distribution panels for DC electrical power systems. Here are the most important design criteria for supplying AC power in DC electrical systems. […]

Equipment for your affordable photovoltaic system

diagram of affordable photovoltaic system blocks

With this post, we conclude the series on an affordable photovoltaic system. We’ve provided you with the best equipment suggestions to help you build a low-cost solar energy system for your home. Finally, in this post, we include a summary of the equipment and benefits you can obtain on a budget. To provide context, we […]

El inversor DC AC central: ventajas, desventajas y usos

inversor DC AC central

El inversor DC AC central, son equipos que cumplen la misma función en un sistema fotovoltaico. La cual consiste en transformar la energía DC, que generan los paneles solares, en electricidad AC. Con esta última es que se alimentan la mayoría de los electrodomésticos y aparatos comerciales. Sin embargo, hasta el punto anterior llegan las […]

Inversor central y el microinversor: funcionamiento

inversor central y el microinversor

A pesar de que la energía solar tiene algunos años en el mercado, no todos conocen sus detalles técnicos más importantes. Entre estos últimos están el inversor central y el microinversor, como equipos esenciales de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. A fin de que entres en contexto, te invitamos a que leas nuestro artículo El panel solar […]

Panel solar y sistema fotovoltaico: dudas frecuentes parte 5

sistema fotovoltaico

Seguimos con esta serie de post donde te aclaramos las dudas frecuentes que surgen sobre todo lo concerniente a los sistemas de energía solar. Incluyendo sus componentes como el panel solar y sistema fotovoltaico. Asimismo, se hablará de un equipo que es poco conocido, pero no por eso de menor importancia. De hecho, se considera […]

Solar panel and wiring for an affordable solar power system

affordable solar power system

To all of us, having a photovoltaic system in our homes is desirable due to the multiple benefits it provides. However, we are aware that a significant investment is required for this. But don’t worry! We will show you an affordable solar power system that you can install in your home. We will start with […]

Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently asked questions. Part 2

solar panels and photovoltaic systems

The solar energy system is, nowadays, one of the fastest-growing ones globally, at all levels. That’s why this post has been created. To clarify and inform through the presentation and answering of frequently asked questions about solar panels and photovoltaic systems. Likewise, this is the continuation of the article Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently […]

Panel solar y sistema fotovoltaico, dudas frecuentes. Parte 4

dudas frecuentes de paneles solares y sistemas fotovoltaicos

Continuamos dando respuesta a tus preguntas frecuentes respecto a los paneles solares y sistemas de energía solar. Para que entres en contexto te sugerimos leas nuestro post Panel solar y sistema fotovoltaico: dudas frecuentes y respuestas. Parte 3, ¡Te será muy instructivo! La generación solar, y sus elementos, nos resulta muy conocida en la actualidad […]

Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently questions. Part 1

example of solar panels and photovoltaic systems

The systems of solar energy are considered the electricity generators of the future in the present. Since solar panels and photovoltaic systems provide clean, reliable, inexhaustible, and ecological electricity. Despite their popularity, there are many doubts about this technology. To keep you better informed, below, we provide quick answers to some frequently asked questions about […]

The solar cell: the smallest component in solar energy

view of a solar cell

Photovoltaic energy has gained great importance today due to being clean, self-sustainable, inexhaustible, and very affordable. It is based on the solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, as the basic and indispensable element for the process. Since they are present in all photovoltaic elements capable of generating electrical energy from sunlight, they make electricity and its […]