Due to the current high costs of conventional electricity, people are looking for alternatives that can be more economical for them to obtain the service. One of the most popular options is the installation of a generator set. For more information on the use of this equipment, you can find it in our post Electric […]
Monthly Archives: febrero 2024
En la actualidad, debido a la crisis energética, se ha hecho una necesidad el disponer de una fuente alternativa de electricidad. En este contexto, el grupo electrógeno, también conocido como motogenerador o planta eléctrica, juega un papel medular. Sin embargo, no todos tenemos claro en que consiste este equipo, por lo que te lo explicaremos […]
At this time, we are going through an energy crisis, which makes electrical supply unreliable and costly. In this post, we will conduct a comparative analysis between the most commonly used sources: the photovoltaic system and the generator set. You should know that all alternative sources have their advantages and disadvantages despite being known for […]
MPPT Solar Charge Controllers are highly efficient devices within a solar power system. Recognizing the widespread global adoption of solar energy due to its numerous advantages. In general, the solar charge controller holds significant importance in photovoltaic systems. Positioned between batteries and solar panels, it manages the electrical energy generated within the system and required […]
Los controladores de carga solar MPPT, son equipos muy eficientes en su función dentro de un sistema de energía solar. Sabiendo que este último ha alcanzado gran auge a nivel mundial por las ventajas que ofrece. En general, el regulador de carga solar es un equipo de gran importancia en los sistemas fotovoltaicos. El mismo […]
The proper selection of generator set equipment is as important as the selection of the generators themselves. Without them, the generator set will not operate or will do so inefficiently. We are referring to the main fuel tank and the daily fuel tank. Also, the coolant compensation tank, oil compensation tank, and the automatic transfer […]
La selección y dimensionamiento de la protección DC del PDB es un proceso muy importante a tener en cuenta al momento de instalar este equipamiento. Ya que define el buen funcionamiento del sistema DC. Recuerda que si el PDB falla, todos los equipos conectados a él, quedarán fuera de servicio. Para que conozcas todo sobre […]
The AC backup generator, motogenerator, or power plant, is the main AC support for any installation. It consists of an engine, usually diesel, with a generator coupled to its shaft. Obviously, we are referring to fixed generators, with capacities greater than 20 kVA. To give you some context, we invite you to read our post […]
Con esto nos referimos a que debes escoger el equipo que sea compatible con la tecnología de la batería a la que va a cargar. Que puede ser AGM, Plomo – Ácido, abierta, sellada, gel, etc. De igual forma, en lo concerniente a la corriente de carga que puede suministrar. Esto último tomando en cuenta […]
At present, it has become crucial to have the possibility of alternative AC power sources. The most commonly used systems for this purpose are power generation through a generator set or power plant and the photovoltaic system. It is important to clarify that the generator set is also called a «diesel generator,» which, in our […]