Author Archives: El Especialista

Electrical power equipment for telecommunications. Part 1

electrical discharge between two conductors

I will now explain the general operation of telecommunications energy equipment, which we will do in a modular fashion.   In order for you to have the basic knowledge of the essential elements of electricity in telecommunications, we suggest you read our previous publications on the subject. These are Electrical Power: Your First Steps and […]

Tecnología de inversor que me conviene según precio y eficiencia

tipos de ondas de salida de inversores

Resulta de enorme importancia la elección del inversor adecuado, tanto para tu economía como para efectos de la eficiencia y uso. Así que para facilitarte la tarea te traemos nuestro post Que tecnología de inversor me conviene de acuerdo al precio y espacio. Ten en cuenta, que este equipo es el corazón del sistema de […]

Electrical energy in telecommunications

uses of DC power

To give you a better understanding of what we will discuss in this article Electrical power in telecommunications, we recommend you to read the post Electric power: your first steps, already published. We have already seen, in previous posts and as the crow flies, what electricity is and the types of it that are AC […]

Advantages of a photovoltaic or solar energy system

ecology solar energy system

There are multiple advantages offered by a photovoltaic or solar energy system. That is why it is considered one of the best ways to supply electricity to a house in the long term because it is sustainable over time. We suggest our post The photovoltaic energy system for the home, where we explain in an […]

The photovoltaic power system for the home

photovoltaic power system in the home

The use of photovoltaic power system, or solar energy systems, has gained much popularity. Not only as an alternative, but also as a primary source of electricity. This is because it is a renewable technology that contributes to the reduction of emissions that cause the greenhouse effect. It is the type of renewable energy, which […]

Rectificadores AC – DC controlados y no controlados

rectificador AC - DC

Los rectificadores AC – DC son equipos muy usados en sistemas de energía para telecomunicaciones, que transforman la energía AC en energía DC. En este post llamado Rectificadores AC – DC controlados y no controlados veremos en qué consisten los 2 tipos de conversión. Dicha conversión, en términos técnicos, se denomina rectificación de onda. Consiste […]

Electric power: your first steps

caution and transmission towers warning

In this article about energy electricity, we will talk about electrical energy in telecommunications in the simplest possible way. As in any productive entity, telecommunications depend on electricity to carry out their tasks. On the other hand, it is standardized worldwide, which is very rare in technology. In addition, from every point of view, electrical […]

Electric power: just what you need to know

incandescent bulb

The effects of electric power are probably the phenomenon best known to all, however, very few can define it and even fewer really know its parameters. For example, did you know how electrical energy is generated, if you touch a single wire nothing happens, what is meant by phase, neutral and ground wires? These and […]

El inversor de onda senoidal pura: ventajas, desventajas y aplicaciones

inversor de onda senoidal pura

Este equipo presenta una serie de particularidades que lo hacen ver como la mejor opción para toda instalación, sin embargo, no todo lo que brilla es oro, por eso te traemos el post El inversor de onda senoidal pura: ventajas, desventajas y aplicaciones. Para conocer más a profundidad este dispositivo, hemos preparado para ti el […]

Caída de tensión en DC por factor de conductividad comercial

circuito caída de voltaje

Uno de los factores que más se le debe prestar atención al seleccionar los conductores eléctricos, son las pérdidas de potencia que ocurren en ellos. Por esta razón, a continuación, te presentamos el Cálculo de caída de tensión en DC por factor de conductividad comercial. Hay 2 métodos para determinar la caída de tensión, el […]