Tag Archives: panel

Distribution panel: DC distribution module

Power distribution panel with DC distribution module

In the distribution panel, the DC distribution module is one of the most important components. This is because it allows the energization of various loads, thereby serving the purpose of protection and control of DC energy. Method of protection for DC loads Just like with AC electricity, a method of distributing DC electrical energy generated […]

Panel solar térmico: que es, como funciona y sus aplicaciones

placa solar térmica

La energía solar ha tomado gran auge durante los últimos años, lo cual se debe a que es muy barata, inagotable y ecológica. Para recolectar la energía solar se utilizan las llamadas placas, las cuales se dividen en panel solar térmico y el fotovoltaico. Ambos tienen usos muy específicos, pero tienen en común que utilizan […]

Conoce las partes del panel solar fotovoltaico

panel solar fotovoltaico

El panel solar fotovoltaico es la parte medular de todo sistema de energía solar, puesto que es quien convierte los rayos solares en electricidad. En este artículo te describimos su estructura para que conozcas los elementos que intervienen es esta conversión. Si piensas instalar un sistema fotovoltaico en tu casa, te sugerimos leer el Panel […]

Parts of the DC power distribution panel for telecommunications. Part 3

DC power distribution panel

In this article, we continue describing the components of the DC power distribution panel for telecommunications. We also invite you to read the posts that are already published on our website energydcac where we describe other components of this equipment. Don’t miss out! Here, we will analyze the DC Battery Module and Low Voltage Disconnect […]

Is it worth installing a photovoltaic system at home? Part 1

house with photovoltaic system

The benefits of the photovoltaic system have made it an excellent option as a source of electricity. However, as the old saying goes, “all that glitters is not gold“. That is why, at the moment of deciding to install this system, it is necessary to consider the advantages of the photovoltaic or solar energy system […]

El panel solar fotovoltaico y cómo funciona


En la actualidad, donde el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad son tendencia, la energía eléctrica solar surge como una solución ideal. En este post llamado El panel solar fotovoltaico y su funcionamiento veremos en que consiste y como interviene en este proceso. Es importante acotar que la energía solar proviene de una fuente […]

Components of the power distribution panel. Part 2

Power distribution panel

This post is the continuation of the article related to Components of the power distribution panel. Part 1. Here, we will analyze the operation of the Rectifier Module and the Control Module. The first one acts as a source that energizes the second one and this, in turn, supplies DC power to the telecommunication loads. […]

El regulador de carga solar: que es y cómo funciona

esquema de conexión de regulador de carga solar

En la actualidad la energía solar ha tomado gran popularidad como una solución energética, amigable y sostenible. Los sistemas fotovoltaicos son cada vez más comunes en hogares, empresas y la agricultura. Uno de sus componentes más sencillos pero vital, es el regulador de carga solar. Este equipo desempeña un papel de gran importancia para obtener […]

Solar Photovoltaic Panel: What You Need to Know Before Buying

tipos de placas solares

Residential photovoltaic power generation systems have been booming, driven by the current energy crisis in the world, and solar photovoltaic panel are the most important part of it. Solar energy is a type of renewable, clean and sustainable energy that is ideal for energy saving and energy efficiency. Here we will tell you about solar […]

Solar panel at home: installation and tips. Part 2

solar panels at home

This post is a continuation of the article Solar panels: installation and tips. Part 1, which we invite you to read. In it we detail the types of solar panel and the best tips you should follow when buying them. So that with this information you are able, together with your installer, to establish which […]