Tag Archives: photovoltaic

Photovoltaic system and the generator set: which one to choose

photovoltaic system

At this time, we are going through an energy crisis, which makes electrical supply unreliable and costly. In this post, we will conduct a comparative analysis between the most commonly used sources: the photovoltaic system and the generator set. You should know that all alternative sources have their advantages and disadvantages despite being known for […]

The inverter for your affordable photovoltaic system

inverter affordable photovoltaic system

Solar energy systems are a form of alternative electricity that is clean, reliable, and affordable. So much so that the vast majority of households have or are thinking of installing one. That’s why we present to you how to choose an inexpensive inverter for your affordable photovoltaic system. This is because… let’s be clear! The […]

Solar panel and wiring for an affordable solar power system

affordable solar power system

To all of us, having a photovoltaic system in our homes is desirable due to the multiple benefits it provides. However, we are aware that a significant investment is required for this. But don’t worry! We will show you an affordable solar power system that you can install in your home. We will start with […]

Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently asked questions. Part 3

block diagram of solar power system

We continue with the third part of frequently asked questions and their answers about solar panels and solar energy systems. So that you have a clear understanding of everything about these elements and, when weighing your options, make an informed decision. To get you up to speed, we recommend reading the previous posts on the […]

Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently asked questions. Part 2

solar panels and photovoltaic systems

The solar energy system is, nowadays, one of the fastest-growing ones globally, at all levels. That’s why this post has been created. To clarify and inform through the presentation and answering of frequently asked questions about solar panels and photovoltaic systems. Likewise, this is the continuation of the article Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently […]

Solar panels and photovoltaic systems: frequently questions. Part 1

example of solar panels and photovoltaic systems

The systems of solar energy are considered the electricity generators of the future in the present. Since solar panels and photovoltaic systems provide clean, reliable, inexhaustible, and ecological electricity. Despite their popularity, there are many doubts about this technology. To keep you better informed, below, we provide quick answers to some frequently asked questions about […]

The solar cell: the smallest component in solar energy

view of a solar cell

Photovoltaic energy has gained great importance today due to being clean, self-sustainable, inexhaustible, and very affordable. It is based on the solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, as the basic and indispensable element for the process. Since they are present in all photovoltaic elements capable of generating electrical energy from sunlight, they make electricity and its […]

Learn about the parts of the photovoltaic solar panel

photovoltaic solar panel

The photovoltaic solar panel is the core component of any solar energy system, as it converts sunlight into electricity. In this article, we describe its structure so you can understand the elements involved in this conversion. If you are considering installing a photovoltaic system in your home, we recommend reading Photovoltaic solar panel: what you […]

The photovoltaic solar panel and how it works

photovoltaic solar panel

In today’s world, where environmental care and sustainability are trending, solar electric power emerges as an ideal solution. In this post titled The photovoltaic solar panel and its operation, we will explore what it consists. It’s important to note that solar energy comes from a renewable, clean, abundant, and free source, the sun. That’s why […]

Solar panels in agriculture

solar panels in agriculture

The use of solar energy in the countryside has been a cornerstone for the agricultural sector as it provides a significant improvement in productivity and efficiency. The presence of solar panels in agriculture is becoming increasingly common. Thanks to this cheap and inexhaustible source of energy, farmers reduce costs and their dependence on electrical power […]