Tag Archives: rectifier

Components of the power distribution panel. Part 2

Power distribution panel

This post is the continuation of the article related to Components of the power distribution panel. Part 1. Here, we will analyze the operation of the Rectifier Module and the Control Module. The first one acts as a source that energizes the second one and this, in turn, supplies DC power to the telecommunication loads. […]

Components of the force frame. Part 1

thyristor power distribution panel

The force frame is the heart and brain of the telecommunications power system, but… do you know its parts? If not, be sure to read this post where we will describe the components of the force frame. Before we start, we encourage you to read our article What is a power panel in telecommunications? It […]

AC – DC rectifiers in telecommunications. Part 1

rectifier schematic

For a better use of this material, we invite you to read the post Power equipment for telecommunications. Part 1. In it we explain in more detail the operation of the AC – DC rectifier. Initially you should know that the AC – DC rectifiers for telecommunications are responsible for performing the power conversion to […]

Electrical power equipment for telecommunications. Part 1

electrical discharge between two conductors

I will now explain the general operation of telecommunications energy equipment, which we will do in a modular fashion.   In order for you to have the basic knowledge of the essential elements of electricity in telecommunications, we suggest you read our previous publications on the subject. These are Electrical Power: Your First Steps and […]