Tag Archives: solar

Solar Photovoltaic Panel: What You Need to Know Before Buying

tipos de placas solares

Residential photovoltaic power generation systems have been booming, driven by the current energy crisis in the world, and solar photovoltaic panel are the most important part of it. Solar energy is a type of renewable, clean and sustainable energy that is ideal for energy saving and energy efficiency. Here we will tell you about solar […]

Solar panel at home: installation and tips. Part 2

solar panels at home

This post is a continuation of the article Solar panels: installation and tips. Part 1, which we invite you to read. In it we detail the types of solar panel and the best tips you should follow when buying them. So that with this information you are able, together with your installer, to establish which […]

Aplicaciones de la energía solar en el sector agrícola

energía solar en la agricultura

El uso de energía solar en el campo ha sido un baluarte para el sector agrícola, puesto que ofrece una gran mejora en la productividad y eficiencia. El uso del panel solar en la agricultura es cada vez más comunes. Gracias a esta fuente de energía barata e inagotable, los agricultores reducen los costos y […]

Solar panels at home: installation and tips. Part 1

Solar Panels as Eco-Friendly Energy

At present, the use of solar energy as an alternative source of electricity through photovoltaic systems has gained much popularity. It is now very common to see solar panels on home. This is due, among other things, to the independence it provides from the commercial electricity grid, the savings in billing costs and the fact […]

El calentador de agua solar ¿Qué es y cómo funciona?

vista real de calentador de agua solar

En la actualidad, existen muchas aplicaciones basadas en el aprovechamiento de la energía solar. Ya que es una forma de energía inagotable, abundante y gratuita. En nuestro post El calentador de agua solar ¿Qué es y cómo funciona?, te presentamos una de las más populares. Usar la energía solar para calentar agua es ideal, tanto […]

Disadvantages of the solar energy system

photovoltaic system schematic

Like everything in life, there are advantages and disadvantages of using photovoltaic systems in homes, especially when using them as distributed energy. Here we will introduce you to the disadvantage of the solar energy system. This is a system that currently has become very popular, but those who are not experts know very little about […]

Conexión en serie y su aplicación en sistemas de energía solar

paneles solares conectados en serie

La conexión en serie es una de las configuraciones básicas en los circuitos, la cual es muy utilizada por sus características y beneficios que aporta, en este artículo conexión en serie: lo que implica te mostraremos lo más resaltante de este enlace circuital. Respecto a esto último, es importante detallar que dicha conexión puede ser […]

Conexión en paralelo: lo que implica

conexión paneles solares en paralelo

En este post llamado Conexión en paralelo: lo que implica, te hablaremos de una de las 2 configuraciones de circuitos eléctricos. Esto en cuanto a su conexión, lo cual es válido tanto para fuentes de energía como para cargas. Sin embargo, en este artículo nos ocuparemos de las conexiones a nivel de las fuentes DC, […]

Advantages of a photovoltaic or solar energy system

ecology solar energy system

There are multiple advantages offered by a photovoltaic or solar energy system. That is why it is considered one of the best ways to supply electricity to a house in the long term because it is sustainable over time. We suggest our post The photovoltaic energy system for the home, where we explain in an […]

The photovoltaic power system for the home

photovoltaic power system in the home

The use of photovoltaic power system, or solar energy systems, has gained much popularity. Not only as an alternative, but also as a primary source of electricity. This is because it is a renewable technology that contributes to the reduction of emissions that cause the greenhouse effect. It is the type of renewable energy, which […]